The Silent Menace: Understanding River Bank Erosion and Its Implications

Rivers weave tales of life and vitality, carving landscapes and nurturing civilizations. Yet, amidst their beauty lies a silent menace: river bank erosion.  This natural process, often magnified by human activities, poses profound challenges to the environment and the communities that call riverbanks home.  Let’s embark on a journey to understand the complexities and consequences… Read more

Secrets to Safeguarding Our Shorelines from Beach Erosion

Preventing beach erosion is essential for maintaining coastal ecosystems, protecting property and ensuring recreational areas remain intact. Here are 10 effective methods: Combining these methods in a strategic and environmentally sensitive manner is often the most effective approach to preventing beach erosion while maintaining the ecological integrity of coastal areas. The team at CORE Erosion… Read more

How Rainfall Affects Soil Erosion

Rainfall can have a significant impact on erosion, particularly in areas where the soil is exposed and vulnerable to being washed away. Here’s how rainfall affects erosion: Intensity of Rainfall: The intensity of rainfall plays a crucial role in erosion. Heavy rainfall can cause more erosion compared to light rainfall because it exerts greater force… Read more

What Makes Filter Socks Essential Tools in Erosion and Sediment Control

Erosion and sediment control are critical aspects of environmental management, particularly in construction sites, agricultural lands and other areas prone to soil disturbance. One of the most effective tools in this field is the filter sock, a product filled with organic or inorganic materials designed to filter sediment and other pollutants from stormwater runoff.  Filter… Read more

Unraveling CORE’s Filter Sock Mesh: How is it Made?

CORE Erosion Control takes pride in producing the highest quality filter sock mesh on the market. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Lordstown, OH. Behind the high-quality filter sock mesh produced by CORE Erosion Control lies a sophisticated manufacturing process that ensures the product’s superior performance. The process begins… Read more

CORE Mesh Manufacturing Moving to Lordstown

CORE mesh manufacturing operations, which have been located at our Vienna, OH facility since 2020, will be moving to our Lordstown, OH location. “The primary reason for the mesh department to move to Lordstown is for more room for expanding,” CORE Operations Manager Dwayne Trafka said. As Millwood and our CORE division continue to grow, additional manufacturing space will allow… Read more